The length and thickness of the penis for men is like the volume of the chest, the width of the waist or the quality of the skin for women. As good as it is, it's not enough.
Of course, there are situations when size really matters, and a small penis affects the quality of intimate life and throws you out of peace.
In that case, different methods of penis enlargement will come to the rescue. But before you rush to order a miracle device or go under the surgeon's knife, you need to find out how effective this approach is and whether it will do more harm than good.
Creams and their effectiveness
The body of the penis consists of two cavernous bodies and one spongy body. Because of this, the penis is easily filled with blood, which ensures its erectile function. If we assume that it is possible to keep the holes in the tissues in a constantly expanded state, then the organ can be enlarged with the help of drugs.
Cream manufacturers guarantee this effect with regular use. In addition, they promise increased erection and libido, increased sensitivity and many other things that are hard to refuse.
But the creators and sellers forget to mention that this penis enlargement technique does not work in the long run.
The temporary effect ensures a rush of blood, in which massage movements play an important role, with the help of which the means must be applied. When the effect of the drug stops, the penis returns to its normal size.
In addition, there are a number of side effects that occur in case of overdose or individual intolerance:
- allergy
- inflammation of the urinary tract
- impotence
- infertility
An effective remedy - massage
It is considered the safest and most pleasant procedure, because it resembles masturbation. True, you have to wait about a year for the results, or you can't wait at all. Even with the most favorable outcome, one should not hope for a significant increase in masculinity.
A proper massage implies strict adherence to the technique and a rather strong effect on the body. There is a risk of overdoing it and getting a tissue rupture and even a fracture.
In the best case, blood circulation and erection will be disturbed, in the worst case, gangrene will occur, which cannot be solved without removing part of the organ.
What is a vacuum pump?
This device is worn on the penis and by pumping air creates a drop in pressure. Blood rushes to the organ, immediately making it longer and thicker. This penis enlargement technique really works.

But only for a couple of hours, and sometimes less. As soon as the blood flow returns to normal, the length and volume decrease.
In addition, this method has many contraindications. The procedure itself can be very painful. After it, bruises often remain on a man's dignity. Sensitivity is also lost, ejaculation weakens, pleasure in sex decreases.
There is also a risk of blood microcirculation disorders, which will negatively affect sexual function.
What is the danger of using an extender?
A special device weighing up to a kilogram, which must be worn on the genitals for several hours a day. Under the influence of the load, the tissues are torn, then regenerated, due to which the length and thickness increase, and the curvature is corrected.
This method also works, but the first noticeable results appear only after six months. In this case, the effect will be permanent and will last forever.
But the use of such a device is full of inconvenience and danger. Cell damage is inevitably accompanied by pain.
Heavy devices on the penis will also not go unnoticed. In addition, tissue injury can lead to scarring. This will cause pain during intercourse, and the penis will begin to bend when excited. Such consequences cannot be corrected.

Hormonal drugs
Testosterone and gonadotropin participate in the formation of muscle mass, they are responsible for the size of the penis and the quality of erection. The method of penis enlargement with these hormones is based on injection directly into the penis and can only be used on the recommendation of a doctor.
This extremely painful procedure implies a constant increase in the dose, because the body quickly develops addiction, and can no longer live without hormone replacement therapy, as without medicine.
Violation of the hormonal background leads to impotence and failure of the reproductive organs. Excess testosterone threatens frequent manifestations of aggression.
The last option is surgery
Penis enlargement surgery is recommended for medical reasons or if the penis is really very small. There are several types of this procedure.
A bridle that is too short, as it were, bends the head down, making the trunk appear shorter. In addition, this pathology causes pain during intercourse and masturbation. If there are indications, such an operation is an excellent way out. In this way, you can add a penis up to 1. 5 cm.
In fact, the male penis is 4-5 cm longer than it appears. These hidden centimeters are held inward by the suprapubic ligament. If it is cut, the extra length is freed up. Access is through the pubis or scrotum. In order to prevent the fusion of the ligaments, it is necessary to wear an extender for some time after the operation.
To increase the thickness of the body, special gels are injected under the skin or silicone pads are inserted. It is also possible to use the patient's own tissues taken from other parts of the body. This adds about a centimeter of volume.
It helps the penis to be thicker and longer. It is indicated for underdevelopment of the penis. It is about the implantation of a prosthesis in the cavernous bodies. Mechanisms are made of different materials and have different degrees of stiffness. They are powered by a pump inserted into the scrotum.
Of course, the operations give an eternal effect if there is no rejection, but they have a number of significant disadvantages.
Even if the work is performed by a qualified surgeon and everything goes without complications, you will have to pay a decent amount for such satisfaction. Well, if you add to that unpleasant and even dangerous consequences, the pleasure will be very doubtful.
After invasive interventions, infection and nerve damage occur in a large percentage of cases. Sensitivity is also often reduced. Scars lead to constant pain.
When dissecting the ligaments, the erect member is often not directed up or to the side, but down, which significantly complicates sexual life. And implants are quite dangerous neighbors for the organ that men consider the main one.
Given the above, the irregularities and curvatures that are likely to appear after surgery are unlikely to scare you. But impotence, which is also difficult to avoid, will hardly appeal to anyone.
Consider whether your actions are motivated enough
Of course, there are effective methods for penis enlargement. But they carry such risks that the price for a few new centimeters will be too high. There is only one legitimate reason for enlargement - the micropenis. Otherwise, it's not worth the risk.

If a person thinks that this is only his case, he is most likely mistaken. This diagnosis is made with a size of no more than 3 cm in the upright position.
In the average representative of the stronger sex, the erect penis has a length of 12 to 17 cm. That's the norm. A flaccid organ may not be noticeable at all.
If a man is driven by the desire to give his sexual partner more pleasure, here are more statistics. In most women, the length of the vagina is equal to the length of the index finger, and the most sensitive areas are in the clitoris and vaginal vestibule.
The vast majority of the fairer sex believes that the impressive size is just a nuisance. Exceptions are those who experience a vaginal orgasm. But 15 cm is enough for them.
Besides, you can always use sexy toys and even fingers. Well, if a girl is in love, she will probably enjoy the most modest size. Therefore, the main thing in sex is not length and thickness, but love.