Many men suffer mentally and physically because the length of their dignity is not enough. This problem is quite common, so the topic of how to increase a member is very relevant. There are many ways to ensure a change in the length and diameter of the penis. This article will address the question of whether a penis can really be lengthened using a variety of techniques.
Factors affecting member size
From a physiological point of view, the size of the penis depends on the height of the man. If this value is about 170-175 cm, then the length of the penis must be at least 17 cm. However, this ratio is mostly a condition.
Why can a man have a small penis? Penis growth can be slowed down if the teenager suffered from endocrine diseases during puberty (between the ages of 14 and 17). At this point, the most active growth of the genitalia is observed. Diseases suffered by the mother during gestation can also adversely affect the baby's genitourinary system and cause growth retardation of the penis.
In addition, factors such as:
- Race;
- Testosterone levels. If for any reason the sex hormone is produced in insufficient quantities, the growth of the penis during puberty can slow down or stop. In the case of hormonal disorders, it is important to start therapy as soon as possible, because after the age of 18, the situation cannot be corrected naturally. The only way out is the operation;
- Obesity caused by improper diet or metabolic disorders;
- Peyronie's disease - a pathology that causes curvature of the penis;
- Lack of vitamins and microelements in the diet, which inhibits the general development of the body and especially the genitals;
- Taking drugs to stimulate erections before the age of 18;
- Tumor neoplasms;
- Penis Injury;
- Hereditary pathologies.
Normal penis size, which is 14 to 16 cm, has 50% of men, standard (16-18 cm) - about 24%. If the length of the penis does not exceed 12 cm, then it is a small size.

Despite the fact that a man's sexual activity does not depend only on the size of his dignity, the short length of the penis still creates a number of significant problems. This:
- Low self-esteem, development of deep psychological complexes;
- Unable to satisfy partner;
- Inability to master certain positions, which makes sex life monotonous;
- Increased fatigue, which is associated with a small number of corpora cavernosa and does not allow sex for a long time.
How do I increase a member to resolve these issues? Below is a list of options to help you change the length and volume of your penis.
Penis Enlargement Medications
One of the most affordable methods of augmentation is to take special medications and use ointments and gels. Such drugs can increase the size of masculinity by 25%, as well as stimulate receptor sensitivity. In addition, some of them improve hormones. They are effective due to their vasodilating action.
Preparations in the form of ointments, sprays, gels and tablets (including dietary supplements) should not be used by persons under 18 years of age. Their use can negatively affect the natural growth of the penis.
How to increase member using jelqing?
Jelqing (jelq) is a penis enlargement technique that involves performing a special massage. This involves carefully stretching the tissue of the penis, which allows you to encourage the creation of new cellular structures and, as a result, increase its size.
With jelqing, you can increase your penis by 5 cm in about six months.
Jelqing involves the application of certain massage techniques that stimulate the process of blood flow to the penis, increase muscle volume. In the process of stretching the tissue, tears appear, in the place of which adhesions of the connective tissue are formed over time, due to which the penis increases not only in length, but also in volume.
Jelqing penis lengthening can be performed based on dry and wet techniques. In the first case, massage exercises are performed without the use of lubricants or creams. Wet jelqing uses lubricants for better finger gliding.
Stretch the fabrics as follows:
- Apply a little lubricant to the palms as well as the shaft and head of the penis;
- Take your thumb and forefinger;
- Slowly and carefully move the formed ring from the base to the head, gradually increasing the pressure;
- Change the hand tissue of the phallus for 10 minutes.
To prevent large-scale tissue rupture, you need to increase the pressure in doses.

There are other exercises that can help you enlarge your penis. Before performing them, the penis should be wrapped in a cloth soaked in warm water and left for 3 minutes. You must repeat this manipulation 2 times. Compression will prevent the possibility of severe sprains.
The next step is to stretch using one of the techniques described. Do not do everything at once, as this can negatively affect the condition of the penis.
The first version of the exercise is as follows: a man sits with his legs spread and grabs his head by a relaxed penis so as not to interfere with blood flow. Next, the penis should be pulled in the opposite direction from the body position, forward. You need to gently pull until slight pain or discomfort occurs. You must hold the penis in this position for up to 5 minutes. After that you should rest for one minute and then repeat the stretching, but this time the penis should be pulled not only forward but also to the left and right side. Hold the penis straight for up to 5 minutes each time.
Another method of stretching involves grabbing the penis and stretching away from you and then toward you, up. You have to repeat 10 times, holding the penis for 15 seconds each time. Then you have to repeat the stretching, leading the penis to the right, left and down. After that, you have to ache the organ intensely, so that an erection occurs, and stick it on the inner sides of the thighs, stretching it lengthwise.
Vacuum pump, weight suspension and ring

The erection ring is made of latex or silicone. It should be worn over the base of the erect penis. This is a kind of "training" of the vascular system that also allows you to increase the duration of sexual intercourse due to the long-term preservation of the erection.
A vacuum pump is a device in which a penis is placed and then a low pressure is created around it. Penis enlargement occurs due to a strong rush of blood into it and the filling of the corpora cavernosa. The duration of the procedure should be about 15-20 minutes, but the first sessions should not last longer than 5 minutes.
You can use this method at home. Manual, water or automatic pumps are used for this. It is best to entrust pump therapy to a specialist, because improper use of the device can cause serious complications: thrombosis, edema, erectile dysfunction, bleeding.
Penis enlargement with weights is another method that will allow you to prolong masculinity. The bottom line is stretching the body of the organ with the help of weights. The suspended load causes the formation of microcracks, which then overgrow, filling the fabric with a stand.
This method is drastic and traumatic, so it is better for beginners to find a safer method.
Penis rings are made of latex or silicone. It should be worn over the base of the erect penis. This is a kind of "training" of the vascular system that also allows you to increase the duration of sexual intercourse due to the long-term preservation of the erection.
Penis enlargement with extender
An extender is a device with which you can achieve penis extension. Its action is ensured by pulling forces: the penis is placed in a device, consisting of a ring, rods and a head extension, so that it stretches. The extension extends the member in length, widens the corpora cavernosa.
Maximum penis duration of 6 hours.
The product should not be used at bedtime and left overnight, as men have a spontaneous erection at this time. In such conditions, there may be a strong narrowing of the penis and reduced blood flow.

Penis enlargement with hyaluronic acid allows you to achieve the desired result in a fairly short time.
Hyaluronic acid has the ability to maintain tissue elasticity. Gels and other fillers based on it help increase the length and volume of the penis. This technique is effective, but it is not permanent: within a year, the acid-based substance dissolves and there is a need for repeated injections.
In addition to hyaluronic acid, lipid tissue (fat) is injected into the penis by a man.
Substances that can increase the volume and length of the penis are injected through a hole in the bottom of the penis.
The method of penile injection is contraindicated in the presence of venereal and autoimmune diseases, mental disorders.
Popular ways to enlarge the penis
There are folk ways to enlarge the penis. These include swallowing various infusions, decoctions, water treatments (for example, soda baths). The most popular methods are:
- Rubbing baking soda on the penis. First you should take a hot shower, lubricate the penis with vegetable oil, apply baking soda. Massage the penis with a sponge for 2-3 minutes;
- Drinking a milk drink. For cooking, take a glass of milk, to which you must add 2 tablespoons of grated raw carrots, heat on low heat for 10 minutes. Configure the finished product three times a day, 100 ml, for a week
- Receiving garlic-based drops. To prepare the composition, you need to take a few heads of garlic, pour 2 cups of alcohol, mix. Last 10 days. Take 25 drops daily for 3 months;
- Use a mixture of salt and honey. Take the components in equal amounts, apply to the penis, avoiding contact with the head area. Wait 10 minutes, then rinse.
These penis enlargement methods can only be used as a complementary method. More radical methods are needed to actually resize the member.
Penis enlargement surgery

Surgery is the most radical method to solve the problem of a small penis. Surgical therapy is also needed if the small size of the penis is due to congenital anomalies or age-related changes.
Surgical manipulation of penis enlargement is called ligamentotomy. Elongation is possible by cutting off the retaining ligament. After that, the penis increases by 2, 5 cm. After the operation, the use of an extensor is recommended, thanks to which the penis lengthens by another 2. 5-3 cm.
Another method of surgical treatment is dissection of the ligament and placing the patient's fat in the resulting cavity. This operation is more complex, but after it the tissues heal faster.
The cost of penis enlargement surgery depends on the type of manipulation being performed.
There are many ways to enlarge the penis - from the use of herbal infusions to radical surgery. When trying to increase the size of the penis, do not use dubious methods. It is better to discuss the question of how to enlarge the penis with a urologist.